(What if I said you could get a ticket to virtually ANY OF THE 195 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD by becoming a CPO … – … And it is relatively easy … ??? Well that is what this web site endeavors to help you to do.)
You Say … Thousands of International School Positions … ?
Onward and outward … the opportunities are virtually endless.
Wouldn’t it be great if most of the several hundred thousand international school positions for teachers and administrative staff were taken up by evangelical minded Christian Professionals Overseas?
Churches – Double Your Investment Output for Free?
Basically in our churches we could double or more the number of overseas missionaries for free seeing they would be self-supporting career makers.
My story – A little
I work as an international school teacher … so I am able to live, work and stay anywhere in the world that I can get a job. I am F.I. (Financially Independent), but not R.E. (Retired Early). In fact I have become a multi-millionaire by living and investing overseas. So I am free to do outreach work as an international expat until I die.
I live in Asia and travel around the world or locally or back to North America as I get 3 months holidays each year. In the past 3 years we have been to Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, and China and the like. My homebase is here in Asia and so I have a green card too.
Thus I am kind of like a dual citizen. I don’t need a Visa …
Where are my colleagues and classmates now or have worked?
International schools are cool! Heck living overseas as an international expat is cool! Who wouldn’t want to travel the world and get paid to do it.