(What if I said you could get a ticket to virtually ANY OF THE 195 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD by becoming a CPO … – … And it is relatively easy … ??? Well that is what this web site endeavors to help you to do.)
Virtual Tourism? 🙂 … Ooops I mean Job Search – There are many ways to search …..
There are many ways to search the international school job scene. The experienced teacher to the expat world will find this obvious, but for newbies you may find this article useful.
Having said that … maybe some of you old hands may find a few variations here that you have forgotten about too.
A lot of teachers take the shotgun approach, and we will explain more on that in following posts …. but lets look at the question ….
“But what if don’t wanna teach just anywhere?!!!” I have a dream….!!!
“But what if I don’t want to teach just anywhere and I have somewhere specific in mind!” Perhaps you have dreamed for a while of a few places you would love to teach.
So why not do a focused Google Search with a small twist …..?
Perhaps you have a fancy for the Cook Islands? Micronesia? Fiji? or the Maldives???
First hit Google, but then switch to Maps and do your searching there! It gives a better visual aspect to your search, you see other international schools in close proximity and perhaps nearby touristy spots or whatever else may interest you.
So for example you like Nigeria? So plug that in to the map search function and you will get something like the below picture …
Search: Nigeria International School

The first thing that you will notice is a lot of red school icons with the school names highlighted. This gives a good visual of prospects of schools in your target area.
However on the left side bar you can scroll all the schools from the map. It gives useful info like ratings and simple contact info.
So lets say the American International School catches your eye … You can click on that and you will get boat loads of information on that specific school.

As you can see now you have all the contact info for the school, star rating, student numbers and additional links to click on for more info. …. From here you call the school, check their website, e-mail a resume etc etc etc …
Orrrrr what if it isn’t a country in particular, but a city you have fallen in love with??? …. maybe even have a sweetheart there?
No problem it is the same deal for cities and perhaps even better… Large cities and capital cities work best …. with more selection …
Hmmm so what city should it be for you? 🙂 Perhaps your love is in Paris …???! 🙂
Again no problem …
Paris it is and away we go!!! … See below …

Again you can play with the buttons and enlarge or focus in as you like to get the range of schools in a particular city OR EVEN IN SPECIFIC AREA of a city… It is really flexible.
See again the side left bar with all the schools in the area listed with basic school info ….. Bingo you are set to explore and become a virtual tourist and job searcher at the same time?!
American International School again!!!! IN PARIS? … hmmm these Americans are everywhere… Have a look …

As you can see now you have all the contact info for the AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL IN PARIS!!! … , star rating, student numbers and additional links to click on for more info. …. From here you call the school, check their website, e-mail a resume etc etc etc …
So be a virtual Tourist …. ahemmm I mean job seeker, click away and find your true love!
God Bless,
By CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet
American International Schools in Nigeria and Paris
Great post again CPO and there are a lot of different international schools around the world and you can search for them by city that’s great