Hudson Taylor
If anyone were to ask me, “What are you top favourite inspirational books?” I would have to mention “Hudson Taylor – In Early Years” and “Hudson Taylor – And The China Inland Mission” by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. There are many other versions or the same as mentioned above … of Hudson Taylor’s life through various biographies found at OMF or Amazon.
The twin set of books cover the early life of Hudson Taylor in England through the 1800’s to the creation of the China Inland Mission and its continued work up to the early 1900’s. CIM is now called OMF or Overseas Missionary Fellowship that does work throughout the world but mainly in Asia.
To a great extent his mission either directly or indirectly has inspired millions. Not only that but many of the, up to 100 million by some estimates, Christians in China can trace their roots back to the China Inland Missions message and work.
It is interesting how Hudson Taylor’s outreach efforts continued from one to another he had minister to and taught. Below is a portion from one of the books that illustrate this …
Excerpt from Hudson Taylor – In Early Years – Growth of a Soul “Far away from Ningpo, in a beautiful valley
Excerpt from Hudson Taylor – In Early Years – Growth of a Soul “Far away from Ningpo, in a beautiful valley, lay the farming district … but