Tag Archives: teacher
Tag Team Married Couples Make For Great Overseas Ministry Opportunities – By CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet

Couple Tag Teams?
So you have decided to let you light shine across the great divide in some far off distant land? Perhaps you are interested in humanitarian efforts, or perhaps some outreach efforts or a bit of both. So what exactly could that look like? Being on the scene for 20 years has given me some insights and I will share 4 stories of just that. Off course I will use fictitious mystery? names and so those folks can remain anonymous – though the light of their work still shines … over on the far side of the planet.
Tag Team One
Retirement Series # 1 – Life with No Safety Net – Retirement Investing While Overseas – Expat International Living – Book Review – By CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet

Sorry Sir! – No Safety Net Here?
Often there is no safety net provided by companies, or not much, when it comes to early retirement overseas … and expats are left to fend for themselves. It is a sink or swim environment.
Walk the Plank Laddie – to the Sharks I Say 🙂
Lost at sea with the sharks slamming the boat and they thought the end was near …. That was the headline that caught my attention when the story of 2 lady sailors who had been lost at sea for several months were rescued … they were safe but just barely survived on their diverted route to Fiji – they never got there.
Financial planning is often like that especially nowadays when it comes to retirement planning and investment – even while at home, not to mention the shark infested waters of retirement planning while overseas.
But what if you could circumnavigate the sharks … there is a fellow who had done just that, survived cancer and retired in his 40’s and can usually be found basking around the world in some tropical place like Mexico or beyond.
Millionaire Teacher? Stop Pulling My Wooden Leg! Aye, Aye Sir!
Targeted International School Job Searches – By City or Country – Series # 1

(What if I said you could get a ticket to virtually ANY OF THE 195 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD by becoming a CPO … – … And it is relatively easy … ??? Well that is what this web site endeavors to help you to do.)
Virtual Tourism? 🙂 … Ooops I mean Job Search – There are many ways to search …..
There are many ways to search the international school job scene. The experienced teacher to the expat world will find this obvious, but for newbies you may find this article useful.
Having said that … maybe some of you old hands may find a few variations here that you have forgotten about too.
A lot of teachers take the shotgun approach, and we will explain more on that in following posts …. but lets look at the question ….
“But what if don’t wanna teach just anywhere?!!!” I have a dream….!!!
Continue reading Targeted International School Job Searches – By City or Country – Series # 1
My story – A little
I work as an international school teacher … so I am able to live, work and stay anywhere in the world that I can get a job. I am F.I. (Financially Independent), but not R.E. (Retired Early). In fact I have become a multi-millionaire by living and investing overseas. So I am free to do outreach work as an international expat until I die.
I live in Asia and travel around the world or locally or back to North America as I get 3 months holidays each year. In the past 3 years we have been to Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, and China and the like. My homebase is here in Asia and so I have a green card too.
Thus I am kind of like a dual citizen. I don’t need a Visa …
Where are my colleagues and classmates now or have worked?
International schools are cool! Heck living overseas as an international expat is cool! Who wouldn’t want to travel the world and get paid to do it.