Somewhere on Lake Annecy, France – You never know where your travels for outreach may take you! 🙂 CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet 🙂
 South African Embassy Friends – Over here we live like kings! …
We were based among the rolling lush green hills and mountains of South Korea. My friend from church was from South Africa and taught at a local village Hogwon English school while I was teaching at the local university in a nearby city. She said, “Well let’s get on with it … how about skip down with us to Seoul for a visit. We can stay at my friend’s house from the South African Embassy. So my wife and I said sure and off we went. Seoul is a large metropolis of 10 or so million folks. It is an ultra modern city covered with towering glassy apartments that are quite expensive. But our embassy friend, one of zillions we would meet overseas, lived in a sprawling small mansion with a zillion rooms to spare. It was a fun visit. And she said to us, “Over here we live like kings, but back home we live just like everyone else!” I marvelled at the remark, but it pretty much sums up my life over here overseas.
Somewhere on the roads in Germany not far from Switzerland – You never know where your travels may take you and what opportunities there are for outreach … :), By CPO
Couple Tag Teams?
So you have decided to let you light shine across the great divide in some far off distant land? Perhaps you are interested in humanitarian efforts, or perhaps some outreach efforts or a bit of both. So what exactly could that look like? Being on the scene for 20 years has given me some insights and I will share 4 stories of just that. Off course I will use fictitious mystery? names and so those folks can remain anonymous – though the light of their work still shines … over on the far side of the planet.
Fun Options to Live Internationally, Even in The Twilight Years
Live the Dream?! 🙂 … Have you ever dreamed of living on a cruise ship – FULL TIME? (By CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet) Lake Annecy, France
Live the Dream?! 🙂 … Have you ever dreamed of living on a cruise ship – FULL TIME?
Of course I have heard of and knew some folks lived full time on cruise ships, but it never occurred to me as a possible option for retirement living, let alone for assisted living.
If you have the means to retire … it is surprisingly cheap!
Surprisingly the costs are much the same, around a $100 dollars a day or less with senior discounts.
Shanghai – You never know where your travels may take you and what opportunities there are for outreach … :), By CPO.
(What if I said you could get a ticket to virtually ANY OF THE 195 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD by becoming a CPO … – … And it  is relatively easy … ??? Well that is what this website endeavors to help you to do.)
By CPO – From the the Far Side of the Planet – Live the Dream, Live the Adventure – Live and Work Internationally – Retire Early, Become Financially Independent and/or Buy an International Holiday House – Be a Light All Over the World