So you have decided to travel the world?
So you have decided to travel the world doing outreach with kids and now what? Education?
Okay you are sent off as an international expat to some far hidden corner of the planet, and so where do you park the kids in school now?
Wife!!!: “Well dear, if we go overseas, where should we educate our kids? “
Impish looking husband: “Um good question honey …” 🙂
It is perennial question for newbie expats with kids or newbie newlyweds with babies? … on the horizon. The usual avenues are international schools, local schools or homeschool.
This article will focus on homeschooling seeing the other avenues for your child’s education will be explored in other posts.
A new environment
Wife: “But what were you expecting? What is wrong with pizza with squid on it? It is perfectly normal here!”
Husband: “Hmmm well at least they have pizza, ummmm that is pizza? Isn’t it?”
The smiling local says 🙂 “Well we call it … विद्रूप पिज्जा vidroop pijja (Hindi)”
Usually newbie expats or parents have no idea of what they are getting themselves into when going overseas. You hop on the plane zipping around the world, jump off the plane with your luggage and kids in tow or expecting wife and expect America? Canada? Australia, Britain?