Tokyo, Japan – Endless Skyscrapers – You never know where your travels may take you and what opportunities there are for outreach … :), By CPO
(What if I said you could get a ticket to virtually ANY OF THE 195 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD by becoming a CPO … – … And it is relatively easy … ??? Well that is what this web site endeavors to help you to do.)
You Say … Thousands of International School Positions … ?
Onward and outward … the opportunities are virtually endless.
Wouldn’t it be great if most of the several hundred thousand international school positions for teachers and administrative staff were taken up by evangelical minded Christian Professionals Overseas?
Churches – Double Your Investment Output for Free?
Basically in our churches we could double or more the number of overseas missionaries for free seeing they would be self-supporting career makers.
Somewhere in Semi-Tropical Hong Kong – You never know where your travels may take you and what opportunities there are for outreach … :), By CPO
Local Overseas Schools? … By CPO, from the far side of the planet!
One of the choices international expat families choose for their children is local schools. These schools usually come in 2 or 3 different flavours – pure local schools, local schools that cater to foreign expatriate families and variations of the above in the private school sector but are not international schools with a foreign curriculum.
The advantages to such local schools is many fold, but namely they boil down to flexibility, culture, languages and saving money.
So why do you say flexibility? The reasons are perhaps obvious and not so obvious. First of all is location, location, location. When it comes to local schools they are everywhere and usually in close proximity to your home. Near our home are a zillion kindergartens, Primary Schools, Middle Schools and High Schools. So if you add local schools to your mix of choices, your options multiply exceedingly. Depending on where you live there will usually be a large range of school options near to your doorstep.
Around Hong Kong Bay – – You never know where your travels may take you and what opportunities there are for outreach … :), By CPO
Around Lake Geneva, Switzerland – You never know where your travels may take you and what opportunities there are for outreach … :), By CPO
A CPO Diplomat’s life for me? Life as a diplomat ….?
Yo ho, ho – and a bottle of orange juice? …. Oops I mean, a CPO Diplomat’s life for me? Hmmm maybe or maybe not? But there are different options… but before we go exploring plan B options let’s also look at how difficult it is to get into the diplomatic core.
I remember my first awakening to this world. We were at a university bible study meeting for the Navigators and a fellow named Scott started chatting with me … I come from a fairly small town along the beaches of the Great Lakes … which I mentioned to him and he said, “Oh I will be swimming in the Indian Ocean for Christmas.” I said what? In confusion … looking out at the snow ( … and dreaming of tropical beaches far away) … seeing my small town mind had never come against such a being …. India???? I said??? Ocean??? I said. And he said, “Yes my parents work for the embassy as diplomats and we have lived all over the world” … He said matter of factly, “We were in Russia on our last posting!” Well it was a world I didn’t even know existed except distantly as the background of some adventure movie.
By CPO – From the the Far Side of the Planet – Live the Dream, Live the Adventure – Live and Work Internationally – Retire Early, Become Financially Independent and/or Buy an International Holiday House – Be a Light All Over the World