(What if I said you could get a ticket to virtually ANY OF THE 195 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD by becoming a CPO … – … And it is relatively easy … ??? Well that is what this web site endeavors to help you to do.)
You Say … Thousands of International School Positions … ?
Onward and outward … the opportunities are virtually endless.
Wouldn’t it be great if most of the several hundred thousand international school positions for teachers and administrative staff were taken up by evangelical minded Christian Professionals Overseas?
Churches – Double Your Investment Output for Free?
Basically in our churches we could double or more the number of overseas missionaries for free seeing they would be self-supporting career makers.
So what are the numbers like?
According to ISC data collection for international K-12 schools the numbers of international schools and students has been growing at a phenomenal rate. Only a few years ago the numbers were about a quarter of the present 4.85 million students with 8,924 schools and 449,000 staff workers from admin to teachers.
Shift to Local Students …
The general shift in numbers has seen a change from expatriate clientele based international schools to an explosion in locally based student international schools.
Qualified Education Professionals – Teacher Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
The implications are obvious. Local congregations not only should encourage traditional avenues of outreach ministry, but encourage their young people and old to consider teacher education programs to equip them as qualified teachers and administrators that fill needed education job positions around the planet.
There is a great need for qualified education professionals to teach around the world.
Your Adventure Starts Here? …
Let your adventure start here and travel the world being a light to minds and hearts everywhere …
(Data source info is sited from ISC: http://www.iscresearch.com )
By CPO – From the Far Side of the Planet! 🙂

I have been teaching internationally for a number of years and the opportunities as you say are amazing ..