Fun Options to Live Internationally, Even in The Twilight Years

Live the Dream?!
… Have you ever dreamed of living on a cruise ship – FULL TIME?
Of course I have heard of and knew some folks lived full time on cruise ships, but it never occurred to me as a possible option for retirement living, let alone for assisted living.
If you have the means to retire … it is surprisingly cheap!
Surprisingly the costs are much the same, around a $100 dollars a day or less with senior discounts.
Oceania Cruises
Apparently Oceania Cruises and others run such cruises for half the year.
CPO thinks this would be a grand choice for living abroad at multiple locations with bountiful options for fellowshipping ha ha and outreach.
A Worthwhile Choice?
Perhaps it is worth your investigating, whether you are a fully retired couple at home or you are a CPO retired abroad … and/or why not a CPO retired at sea?!
Ships ahoy!
God Bless,
By CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet!