Hudson Taylor
If anyone were to ask me, “What are you top favourite inspirational books?” I would have to mention “Hudson Taylor – In Early Years” and “Hudson Taylor – And The China Inland Mission” by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. There are many other versions or the same as mentioned above … of Hudson Taylor’s life through various biographies found at OMF or Amazon.
The twin set of books cover the early life of Hudson Taylor in England through the 1800’s to the creation of the China Inland Mission and its continued work up to the early 1900’s. CIM is now called OMF or Overseas Missionary Fellowship that does work throughout the world but mainly in Asia.
To a great extent his mission either directly or indirectly has inspired millions. Not only that but many of the, up to 100 million by some estimates, Christians in China can trace their roots back to the China Inland Missions message and work.
It is interesting how Hudson Taylor’s outreach efforts continued from one to another he had minister to and taught. Below is a portion from one of the books that illustrate this …
Excerpt from Hudson Taylor – In Early Years – Growth of a Soul “Far away from Ningpo, in a beautiful valley
Excerpt from Hudson Taylor – In Early Years – Growth of a Soul “Far away from Ningpo, in a beautiful valley, lay the farming district … but
who was to care for Wang the farmer, in the little village of O-zi, when he became concerned of eternal things? … he lay ill and apparently dying, alone in the empty house. The family were all out in the fields, having supplied his needs as well as they could, and there was no one to whom he could turn to help in the great distress of his soul. For Wang regarded death with terror, as introducing the dreaded day on which he must: “reckon up accounts.” Somehow, somewhere, he must meet the gods his sins had angered; and the balance of account was pitifully small …. his need was great …
And then a strange thing happened. In the silence of his house he heard himself called. The voice though unknown was so real that he got up and made his way to the door, but on opening it could see no one. Painfully he crept back to bed, only to hear the same voice a little later calling more urgently. Again he rose, and supporting himself by the walls and furniture managed to reach the door. But again there was no one in sight. Greatly alarmed, he buried his face beneath the coverlet. This was none other than the approach of death! – the dreaded summons of the King of Hell, at whose bar he must shortly appear.
And now the voice spoke a third time, and told him not to be afraid. He was going, it said to recover. An infusion of a certain herb would cure his sickness, and as soon as he was able he was to go into Ning-po, where he would hear of a new religion that would bring him peace of heart.
All this was so reassuring that Wang determined to do exactly as instructed. He persuaded his wife to prepare the medicine, and to the surprise of all forthwith began to recover. The city was thirty miles away, and Wang had nothing to live on while seeking the new religion. …. he set out to support himself by cutting grass along the wayside and selling it to the people who had cattle….
At length one day in a tea-shop – what was that he heard? A simple working-man like himself was leaning across one of the tables, talking with those nearest to him. Something about “the Jesus doctrine” he said, and about sins being forgiven. Greatly interested Wang drew nearer, and listened for the first time – try to imagine it – to the glad tidings of salvation. … some went out, but the O-zi farmer never lost a word … he asked Neng-kuie ma many questions ..”
A Worthwhile and Inspirational Read
Hudson Taylor’s bios in any form are a worthwhile and inspirational read. It is in part how CPO ended up on the far side of the planet and in part the inspiration for this blog. For a quick sneak peak at Hudson Taylor’s life, you can check out Wikipedia or Christianity Today’s mini version, but the books are much better. Hudson Taylor inspired thousands of missionaries and if I can do my small part to add to that by inspiring and or encouraging Christian Professionals to likewise go overseas as international expats doing outreach – then that would be great! Again check out Hudson Taylor bios at OMF – bookstore or Amazon.
Signing off for now CPO, From the Far Side of the Planet.